Pennsylvania Voter Guide

Do you need to register to vote in Pennsylvania (PA)? Do you need to make a voter plan for the 2024 election?

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It’s difficult to escape the fact that 2024 is a Presidential Election year. While this comes with a great amount of news coverage, polling calls, and potentially tough decision making, one thing that should not be difficult is making your voting plan. To that end, TABLE has put together a guide for our readers of all the deadlines, pertinent information, and extra tips for this year’s election. The decision making is up to you, but we are happy to be a safe place to help guide you through the process.

Register to Vote PA

With three months to go before the big day, now is a great time to check your voter registration. You can find all the information you need through the Pennsylvania Department of State at or go directly to the PA voter services page. Here, you can check your registration status. If you are registered to vote, you will have access to your voter status record where you can make sure your information is up to date, find your polling place, and check a mail-in ballot request. Another helpful bit of information available in your voter status record is the address and phone number of your county board of elections office. If you have any questions, while navigating registration or creating a voting plan, this is the best place to call.

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If you are not yet registered to vote, the deadline to register is October 21, 2024. You can easily register online, or you can download the voter registration form and hand-deliver or mail it to your county voter registration office, or register in person at government agencies like PennDOT drivers license centers. If you have access to internet, filling out the voter registration application online is the easiest and fastest method. You can also request a mail-in ballot while completing your registration.

Voting Plan 

Once you know your voter registration is complete, it’s time to make your voting plan. I spoke with Chatham University graduate student and avid voter Holly Tyson to get her tips on preparing for election day. When asked if it’s too early to start making your voting plan, Tyson said, “Absolutely not. I would say I did it about a month ago because I know that things get crazy leading up to election day.”

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So, what are the options for voting here in Pennsylvania? Tyson says, if you want to check it off your list early, a mail-in ballot is the way to go. “In Pennsylvania, we now have the right to do no-excuse mail voting, which means you don’t have to have a reason for not going to the polls on election day.” Tyson informs me. She says she enjoys this method of voting because she can do her research at home and have it with her as she fills out her ballot. “Kind of like a take home test,” she says.

Voting by Mail in PA

To vote by mail, you must first fill out a vote by mail application, which is available online. You can also download the application and deliver in person or mail it to your county elections office. Your application must be received by 5:00pm October 29, 2024. You will receive an email once it has been processed and they will mail your ballot to the address you provided.

Once you receive your ballot, simply fill it out with your desired candidates and return either by mail, by dropping it off at your county election office, or at a drop box. Here is a list of all drop box locations. Your ballot must be returned by 8:00pm on election day November 5, 2024. If, for any reason, you are unable to return your mail-in ballot by 8:00pm on election day, you are still able to vote in-person. You can go to your polling location with your mail-in ballot. Inform the poll workers that you requested a mail-in ballot but are unable to return it. They will spoil that ballot for you and you will be able to vote in-person.

Verify Your Voter Information

If you have any concerns about voting by mail, Tyson says, “there is no going overboard with verifying that your information correct.” She says to go online to verify that that your mail-in ballot application has been received. Also, verify that the actual ballot was received. If you have questions, you can always reach out to your county elections office. People who work in these offices are happy to verify your information and make sure that you have a good experience with the voting process.

Tyson recommends voting by mail because it is the only way to vote early in Pennsylvania. However, if you would like to vote early in-person, you have the option to vote in-person by mail ballot. Once the ballots are available at your county elections office, you are able to visit in-person to request a mail-in ballot. You should check your county’s website to make sure ballots are available before making the trip. Once in the office, you can submit a mail-in ballot application and wait for it to be processed. Once processed, you will receive your mail-in ballot and can complete it at your county elections office. Make sure to follow the instructions for sealing your ballot and hand it in. Even if going in-person, your request for a mail-in ballot must be competed by October 29, 2024.

Election Day Tips for PA

While voting by mail is convenient, you may feel more comfortable or simply want the experience of voting in person. Tyson says, “do whatever works for you. But make sure you have a voting plan and verify your information early and often.” Figure these things out before November 5th. You need to make sure you know where your polling place is, how you will get there, and which candidates you will choose.

Your polling place information is available at, or you can follow this link directly. Find the the address of your polling place. Then, make a plan for what time you will vote and how you will get there. Polls will be open on November 5th from 7:00am to 8:00pm. Tyson recommends going early so that you don’t run into any situations where you miss your chance to vote. If you are unable to go early, remember that as long as you are in line to vote by 8:00pm you are entitled to vote. Even if the voting process will take place after 8:00pm, stay in line.

Tyson recommends voting with a buddy, which can make the process more fun, and you can keep each other accountable to go when you planned. Tyson also recommends this if you or a friend need a ride to the polls. If you need help getting to the polls on Election Day, there are several services that offer rides to polling places. Drive Your Ballot and Lyft are two examples of services offering free or discounted rides to polling places. Just keep in mind, some of these services require you to request a ride in advance.

“Voting is my love language.”

So, you’ve made your voting plan, you’ve gotten yourself to the polls and you are ready to vote. If you’ve followed all the steps in this guide, you should experience smooth sailing. But what should you do if you encounter an issue on Election Day? If you’ve gone to the correct polling place, but your name is not in the poll book, you can still vote. You will be asked to cast a provisional ballot so that your county elections office can verify your eligibility before the vote is counted. If you encounter an issue at the polls and feel you need help outside what is being provided at your polling location, you can call the official election hotline at 877-868-3772.

“Voting is my love language,” Tyson tells me as I thank her for her time. The importance of taking the time to make your voice heard is something she emphasizes. It can be an emotional act. Emotions certainly will be high as we move further into election season. Having a plan can help alleviate anxiety during this time. Ultimately, the decision is yours. We hope this guide will help you feel prepared and confident when making your voting plan. Once you’ve completed the process, we’ll be here waiting with recipes for a cocktail or a sweet treat as a reward.

Story by Kirsten Chervenak / Photo Courtesy of Janine Robinson

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