Girasole Celebrates 25 Years in Shadyside

Though there’s a romance to owning a restaurant, but after twenty-five years the team at Girasole have realized some of the biggest learning curves in the industry are unglamorous ones: adapting to new technoloiges, fixing broken HVAC systems, and cleaning up spilled drinks. There are unromantic parts to it. But, luckily, Girasole is a family affair, with a large Italian family ready to help each other at every twist and turn. The family behind Gerasole is Jimmy “Pie” Gerasole, Patti Gerasole, and Gino Gerasole, with assistance from daughter-in-law Jennifer Gerasole and younger brother Vito Gerasole. Together, they’ve managed one of Shadyside’s coziest night out spots for 25 years, tucked away on Copeland Street.

Girasole Celebrates 25 Years in Shadyside

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The restaurant’s story began when Gino was working at Viaggio Restaurant. He found them a space for a new business in Shadyside, but decided it was the right spot and the right moment to create a Gerasole family restaurant. His parents agreed and, 25 years later, the rest is history. “The restaurant needs constant attention and has grown in many ways. Girasole has become my home away from home,” Gino said. His wife, Jennifer, helped to open the restaurant as an executive chef, but now works for a restaurant technology sales company after a knee replacement surgery took her out of the kitchen. “The support we have from our customers has built friendships, too,” he said.

25 years is a long time to meet people and build relationships. “We had children come in the restaurant when their parents had just gotten engaged. Or, parents would come there on their first date, then get married, then bring their babies to the restaurant. And now those babies are in their early twenties!” Patti Gerasole remembered.

A Truly Family-Run Restaurant

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Each member of the founding family has brought their own unique talents to the team. Patti has been behind much of the restaurant’s décor and design, and some of its traditional Italian-American recipes. Gino is primarily in charge of the wines, and Pie, Patty’s husband, helped give the restaurant its friendly, welcoming ambiance. Gino added that “In an Italian family, you know there are arguments and there are also good times, if it’s hanging with staff members or with Pie or with friends.”

The Gerasole family has also seen a shift in Pittsburgh’s food scene in the time they’ve been open. “People are more adventurous, now,” Jennifer said. “We had crudo on the menu back in 2007 and no one ordered it, but now it’s everywhere.” She sees more room for people to grow and innovate, including members of her own former staff like Dianne DeStefano, co-owner of nearby Lilith with Jamilka Borges.

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There’s a beauty in longevity. While it’s easy to see the value in the novelty of the flashiest, newest trend it’s also well-worth it to find longer-term enjoyment. It’s better to enjoy quality food and wine at a slow pace, after all. The Gerasole family has experienced this themselves, and this April, you can celebrate with them.

Toasting to a “Silver Anniversary”

Girasole will be hosting a celebratory wine dinner on April 7 to kick off the festivities, then on April, 13 Patti will be spearheading a “Sunday dinner at Nonna’s” style midday meal. “That’s one of the things I remember most from my childhood,” she said. “We’d have a big 1PM meal after church and it lasted hours.”

On the 14th, Jennifer will be returning to the kitchen, with other former staff members returning as well, for a one-day reunion for service industry veterans. And at the end of the month, Girasole will then have a toast to a silver anniversary with specially selected sparkling wines. You’ll get to say salud to twenty years of great food! “Girasole is the melting pot of Shadyside from your doctors to attorneys and people from across America,” Gino said. “The Gerasole family wouldn’t have it any other way.”

Story by Emma Riva
Photo courtesy of Girasole

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