
Poetry Lounge Gives a Second Life to Millvale’s Whisper Nest


Whisper Nest devotees need not fear that the former Millvale bar will be transformed into something entirely new under the direction of Pittsburgh craft cocktail connoisseur Sean Enright.

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In fact, when Enright opens the bar, now known as Poetry Lounge, this September, visitors can expect a very similar experience and environment.

“I don’t really want to change much of anything,” Enright explains to TABLE Magazine. “[Whisper Nest] had such a great ambiance, such a great atmosphere, and the customer base was so supportive there. We wanted to really capture what they already had.”

The Same, But Different
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Enright isn’t doing any remodeling, and any changes, like decorations, will be minimal.

“We’re making some small adjustments, upping the cocktail program a little bit, adding some wine to the menu,” Enright says, “but we’re not looking for [Poetry Lounge] to be a cocktail bar. We want it to be as accessible to everyone as possible, as [Whisper Nest] was.”

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The upgraded cocktail program will reflect Enright’s longstanding background and influence in the craft cocktail industry, which started in London in 1992 after graduating from the Harvard Student Agencies School of Bartending.

“One of the things I’ve always been known for is my Sazerac,” Enright says. “We will definitely have a Sazerac and will be making the best Sazerac in town.”

Also on the cocktail menu: Ramos Gin Fizz, Frozen Irish Coffee, and classics like daiquiris and caipirinhas.

Turn Up the Music

And Enright didn’t forget about Whisper Nest’s commitment to music. Musical programming will be offered regularly, with themed nights taking place each week.

Sundays, for example, will be Surfs Up Sundays, featuring everything from surf rock to reggae. (An optimal time to sip on Poetry Lounge’s Galeophobia cocktail, served in a shark mug.) Meanwhile, Wednesdays will highlight punk rock. They aim to have local bands play in those slots as well, alongside DJs. Already in the works is local surf rock band The Yeggs to perform on a Sunday.

“We just want to be a neighborhood bar that offers great cocktails, good wine,” Enright says. “We’re trying to maintain what the Whisper Nest started.”

Story by Jordan Snowden / Photography by Jeff Swenson

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