Caesar Azzam on Lab-Grown Diamonds and Lifelong Memories

Caesar Azzam believes people should enjoy jewelry and show it off, not just leave it in a safe deposit box. With every client he works with, Azzam factors in how the piece of jewelry will fit into their life. “I listen to their story and watch their facial reactions to ideas I propose,” he said.

Caesar Azzam: From A Family Business in Beirut to a Pittsburgh Jewelry Store

Azzam grew up in Beirut, which he calls “the Paris of the Middle East,” with a father from a family of jewelers. “It gave me a first-hand opportunity to get involved in the world of gold and gems at an early age,” he said. Azzam has an innate sensibility for gemology from being a third-generation jeweler.

He moved to Los Angeles in the early ‘80s, where he then attended the Gemological Institute of America to get a formal certification in the field. So, Azzam also brings the glamor of Los Angeles and the reverence for history of Beirut to his jeweler’s practice.

Azzam has operated a jewelry store in Pittsburgh for twenty-six years. Though his store offers a wide range of services and designs, two of the most unique are the signature “butter ring” and his lab-grown diamonds. “The butter ring is my all time favorite, first created 25 years ago,” Azzam said. “It’s a single large gemstone ring that’s so comfortable to wear that I called it ‘butter.’”

Caesar Azzam Sees Surprising Benefits in Lab-Grown Diamonds

But the lab-grown diamond is Azzam’s current favorite gemstone. “I’m creating some crazy big rings that are not usually done in natural diamonds,” Azzam told TABLE. “Most rings with large natural diamonds are too classic and not ‘risky’ enough. This gives my clients the opportunity to enjoy striking and unique pieces that are reasonably obtainable.” He became interested in lab-grown diamonds because of ethical concerns around them. He then found that they offered an all-around better experience for some clients.

“Unlike traditional diamonds, which often come with ethical concerns such as environmental degradation and human rights abuses, lab-grown diamonds are created in laboratory environments using cutting-edge technology,” Caesar’s Designs stated. Lab-grown diamonds allow for the jeweler to be more creative. That lets Azzam dream up some of those “crazy big rings” that might not be feasible with natural diamonds.

Twenty-Five Years of Memories 

Having a store for over a quarter of a century means that Azzam has a quarter of a century’s worth of memories. “A client that wanted to celebrate the birth of their first child with a pendant. They had asked me for Amethyst, the February birthstone,” Azzam recalled. “But the baby had other plans and was born ten days early. I had to scramble at the last minute to change the stone to Garnet, the January birthstone.”

As with that client’s pendant, Azzam’s focus is always on the people, not just the jewelry. “I’m proud of each and every piece that I design for a specific client. I love knowing that it’s going to bring them years of enjoyment and put a smile on their face every time they wear it.”

For those coming to his store looking for a piece of jewelry for a loved one, Azzam recommends thinking of functionality and longevity that will allow the world to see it. “Pick a piece that is wearable on almost a daily basis,” he said.

Story by Emma Riva / Photo courtesy of Caesar’s Designs 

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