Foster Love Project began as a way to help provide dignity and care for kids who experience foster care and to also provide support for kinship and foster families who are caring for the children making this transition. This is done through the seven programs. There’s Bag Drive, Angel Tree, Teen Connections, Excellent Hair Care, Family Support Weekend, Back2School Bash and our Shopping Center. The vision is that all children, no matter their family composition, will be treated with dignity and self-worth so they are empowered to thrive.
Foster Love Project shows love in action to children impacted by foster and kinship care through the provision of goods, services and support.
In 2017 they created the region’s first free Shopping Center for children impacted by foster and kinship care. The Shopping Center provides brand new clothing and goods to children ages 0-18 years old. Each year this program serves up to 1,000 children.
There are several ways that community members can involve themselves with the project. Readers are can make monetary donations, volunteer, or donate our most needed items. Please visit our site for ideas:
Donations to Foster Love Project, whether monetary or in-kind, go to support the operations of the organization’s seven programs.
Story and Photography by Foster Love Project

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