Giving Guide 2024: WORK

WORK’s mission is to accompany families in Haiti and beyond out of poverty through good, dignified jobs. Nearly 1 in 10 people live in extreme poverty worldwide. We’re here to change that. We stand alongside the families we serve and accompany them with essential needs, training, and placement into dignified work. They graduate with a living income, and with opportunities to build generational wealth to end generational poverty.


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We focus on income-generating work that builds infrastructure in the communities we serve. These small businesses address access to produce and sell household items, fill in transportation gaps, support home repairs, and gain access to renewable energy. Some of the families we serve are also informal waste workers who reclaim recyclable plastics and metals to divert them from the environment. These raw materials are then sold to brands like HP and CPI Card Group, who turn them into new products for consumers worldwide.

The families we serve graduate with a living income that allows them to take care of their loved ones and save for their future. When they graduate, they stick around as mentors and lend a helping hand to the next family in need.

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In 2023:

  • 801 Family members were accompanied with direct services
  • 170 School-aged children continued school under our Scholarship Program
  • 52 Family members completed business education in our Small Business Program
  • 73 Businesses, including our First Mile Collection Centers, received start-up or growth financial investments
  • 92,936,904 Plastic bottles collected for recycling by our First Mile Networks in Haiti and Taiwan

​​How You Can Help

Support the Families → Help provide education, health, investments and dignity through a one-time or monthly gift. ​

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​​Fundraise → Raise awareness and funds for people in need. From bake sales to house parties to birthday fundraisers, we’ve seen fundraisers do some pretty remarkable things. No matter what you do, 100% of the money you raise will directly fund essential services and programming.​

​​Volunteer → We’re always looking for passionate individuals to help out. Whether that’s at our office or at an upcoming event, we’d love to have you volunteer. ​

Donations ensure that we can continue to provide uninterrupted wrap-around services and investments. This helps families and supports their ability to pull themselves out of poverty through dignified work.

Donate Now

Story and Photography by WORK

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