Snackle Box

Michaela Blaney saw a meme online of someone at the beach using a fishing tackle box as a snack box, aka a “snackle box.’ Though this was supposed to be a joke, she took it VERY seriously and set out to create her own.

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Why? “I have seen it countless times: you present a child with 1 to 4 snack options, and each one is swatted away,” she says. So to avoid hangry children on the verge of a meltdown, present them with The Snackle Box. “Yes, I feel like this is something a ‘cool aunt’ would do, and might be used ONLY for special occasions, but it does the trick,” Michaela asserts.

The options are endless, so use your imagination and pantry. Presenting mundane snacks like carrots and grapes in this way can reinvigorate joy in the little things. “My friend used it to play a snack bingo as they drove to their next activity; ‘eat something that’s GREEN!’ — tricked ya kid!”

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Michaela Blaney is a certified health coach, clean recipe developer, and overall health enthusiast. Being a proud “aunt” to many tiny humans, cooking nutritious and “kid-approved” meals has become both her hobby and a life feat. She sees first-hand how challenging being a parent is — juggling all the balls while trying to appease many picky appetites that change with the wind. She has made it her goal to provide friends and parents alike with tasty, super nutritious, and fun food for the whole family.


Here are some of my favorite healthier options:

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Hu Cookies – refined sugar-free, grain-free, and tiny!

UNREAL – healthier m&ms but surprisingly yummier!

Miniature anything: grapes, cookies, chips, etc

Cereal – I like ones with added protein like Three Wishes or Magic Spoon!

Cut seaweed snacks down to fit the box

Smart Sweets offer dye-free gummies and lollipops sweetened with low sugar options that are great alternatives for kids!

Note: try to buy a BPA-free, washable tray!


Find more recipes and wellness information on Michaela’s instagram @michaelablaney or at her website

Try Michaela’s family-friendly recipes from TABLE:

Breakfast Smoothie Pops

Ever’s Banana Muffins

Clean Pot Roast

Fancy Fish Sticks

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