
Seven Fishes Recipes with Chefs Gary Klinefelter and Chris O’Brien

Two chefs create an intimate Feast of the Seven Fishes.

Brodetto di Pesce (Tomato Seafood Stew)

Dive into a savory, seafood filled stew.

Grilled Octopus with Warm Potato Salad

Make grilled octopus a part of your Seven Fishes Feast.

Scungili Salad

This traditional recipe is for the Italians out there.

Roasted Lemon Potatoes

Let these potatoes accompany your favorite holiday main dish.

Broiled Lobster Tails and Fresh Pasta

The secret to this recipe is a Pernod sauce.

Fried Calamari and Smelts

You can't have a feast without crunchy, fried calamari and smelts.

Seafood with Pancetta and Caramelized Fennel

Who knew pancetta and seafood are simply meant to be?

Pierogies, Where to Get the Quintessential Pittsburgh Food

Find where to get Pittsburgh's favorite food.