3 Pittsburgh Galleries to Build Your Art Collection

Brittany Reilly, executive director of The Irving and Aaronel deRoy Gruber Foundation, suggests three galleries where Pittsburghers could look to extend, or start, their art collections.

Silver Eye Center for Photography

4808 Penn Avenue 

This gallery focuses on contemporary photography, and along with allowing patrons to purchase the works from their revolving exhibitions, Silver Eye offers workshops and classes for artists of all skill levels.

Two teenage Black girls stand back to back with their arms interlinked. The image is in black and white.
Trent Bozeman, ‘Waiting for an Echo.’ Courtesy of Silver Eye Center for Photography.


here Gallery

527 N. Taylor Avenue

Nestled in the Mexican War Streets just a stone’s throw away from the Mattress Factory and Randyland, Lexi Bishop’s recently opened here Gallery features a rotating cast of contemporary exhibitions from local and national artists alike.

A color painting of a Ukrainian man holding a bowl of yellow pears on his head.
Ester Petukhova, ‘Evidence of Survival: Slovyansk, Ukraine.’ (‘A Portrait of My Uncle Who is Alive and Free’), acrylic on wood panel, 2022. Courtesy of here Gallery.


Bunker Projects

5106 Penn Avenue

Founded in 2013 by Penn State grads who felt their work didn’t fit into Pittsburgh’s conventional art world, Bunker Projects doubles as an experimental gallery and nonprofit artist residency for up-and-coming artists, allowing them to grow in an intimate, eccentric environment.

Recommendations by Brittany Reilly / Story by Jordan Snowden

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