ENTER TO WIN 2 tickets to the SOLD OUT Santa Fe Wine & Chile Fiesta Grand Tasting

Enter for a chance to win 2 tickets to the SOLD OUT Santa Fe Wine & Chile Fiesta Grand Tasting on Saturday, September 30 at Fort Marcy Park.

The Grand Tasting is the only time and place where guests can sample, sip, and savor over 90 world-class wineries paired with more than 50 of Santa Fe’s finest restaurants.

The Fiesta Grand Tasting Ticket Giveaway



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While The Fiesta Grand Tasting may be sold out, there are still plenty of other events available to take part in, like the Sun, Wind and Wine Seminar in the Santa Lucia Highlands and the Reserve Wine Tasting & Silent Auction on September 28. Browse the entire list of festivities here.

Ahead of the Santa Fe Wine & Chile Fiesta, 6 Chefs Share Their Dream Dishes

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