For more than 40 years, Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank has envisioned communities where everyone has access to the food and resources they need to thrive. To achieve this, The Food Bank has aligned with more than 1,000 agencies, partners and programs across an 11-county service area to distribute food to the 1 in 8 individuals who are food insecure.
To leverage the power of community to achieve lasting solutions to hunger and its root causes.
The Food Bank regularly hosts direct distributions, coordinates food orders and deliveries to partner agencies, enrolls individuals and families into programs such as SNAP, and works with community partners and school districts across the three rivers region to distribute food to children. In total, the Food Bank distributed enough food for 48 million meals last year.
Volunteers are critical to the ability of the Food Bank to serve our neighbors. Last year, 8,300 volunteers donated 70,500 hours to support the Food Bank’s mission. There are several ways to get involved as an individual or with a group, most notably in January and February, when the holiday season is over.
Every one dollar can provide enough food for up to three meals to neighbors in need.
The Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank is currently seeing the highest demand ever for food. In the past 12 months alone, there has been a 16% increase in food distributed year over year. Your support enables the Food Bank the ability to provide food and connect families to life stabilizing resources. Visit or email to learn more.
Story and Photography by Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank

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