5 Places to Exercise in Pittsburgh

Pittsburgh has a wealth of exercise options, from hiking to climbing to circus arts or simply strolling through a public park. Time to get your body moving!

Pittsburgh Parks

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From Emerald View Park, nestled in Mount Washington with breathtaking views of the city, to the historic Frick Park and the North Side’s Riverview Park, dense with beautiful and calming woodlands, the city of Pittsburgh has a wealth of public parks perfect for hiking, biking, running, or simply strolling through to get a break from the noise of the city. 


South Side, Point Breeze, Youngstown
Pittsburgh may have hills and mountains aplenty, but most aren’t climbable. Luckily, South Side’s ASCEND houses extensive climbing walls for novices and experts alike. Climb on your own, with a friend, or join one of ASCEND’s many climbing classes or workshops. Other fitness programming includes slacklines, yoga, and youth activities.

Iron City Circus Arts

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711 S. 21st Street
For those looking for a unique way to get the blood flowing, this South Side-based fitness center offers workshops and classes specializing in circus artistry: aerial arts, pole dancing, floor, and acrobatics.

Market Square

Now hear us out: the middle of the city may not be at the top of your list for working out, but it’s certainly on ours. On warm summer days, take part in one of the free, bi-weekly yoga classes offered by the Pittsburgh Downtown Partnership, then hop over to Point State Park for a bike ride, running session, or stroll.

Pittsburgh Ballet Theatre

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2900 Liberty Avenue
Go beyond stage performances and join in on the fun yourself. Pittsburgh Ballet Theatre offers dance classes and workshops ranging from ballet to jazz and hip-hop for both newbies and seasoned dancers.

Story by Jordan Snowden

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