Artist Philip Soucy Brings Unique Pottery Style to Pittsburgh

The work of Philip Soucy primarily focuses on the repetitive layering of hand-rolled processed mud. A longtime artist, he works at it full-time ever since completing his master’s at Cranbrook Academy of Art in 2019.

Artist Philip Soucy rolls out mud on a table in his studio in Pittsburgh surrounded by his creations.

One day, Brenda Friday of Shoppe B, an artistic interior design shop, calls Soucy to say she wants his work in her store. Soucy then reacted by saying, “Lawrenceville is a great borough, and her Shoppe was already full of beautiful pieces, I thought, ‘Why not? Let’s see how my work looks in those glossy purple shelves.’”

As the father of a two-year-old, Soucy admits to not getting out much, though he always tries to attend events hosted by Brenda Friday (who allegedly knows how to throw a party). He finds Pittsburgh to have a refreshing culture that cultivates a strong craft presence.

Philip Soucy carefully adds a rolled layer of mud to an art piece he makes in his studio in Pittsburgh.

“We’ve lived in twelve places in our 15 years as a family, and it’s only been in Pittsburgh that we’ve put down roots and bought property,” he says, “in large part because of how well I’ve fit into the craft community here and the connections I’ve been able to make.”

Read our article about Shoppe B and Brenda Friday to learn more about local artists Rachael Ryan, Isaac Bower, Laura Jean McLaughlin, Mia Tarducci, and Andrew Jowdy Collins.

Story by Corinne Whiting / Photography by Adam Milliron

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