Easy Bake Beans and Potatoes

Inspired by author and chef Melissa Clark’s wonderful book, Dinner: Changing the Game: A Cookbook, and maybe by a tiny bit of overexposure to our kitchen these last few months, we decided to chart a simple course for everyday meals this summer. Four sheet pan dinners to get us through the weekdays. Fresh ingredients. Loads of flavor. One pan. From oven to plate… simply delicious!

Start off with an easy-to-bake beans and potato recipe perfect for a hectic Monday or a casual Friday evening. Season, roast, enjoy!

Easy Bake Beans and Potatoes Recipe


½ lb. baby red potatoes
2 tbsp cumin seeds
1 tsp black mustard seeds
¼ cup crushed pistachios or blanched almonds
1 lb. cleaned fresh green beans
½ cup chopped red onion
2 tbsp fresh lemon juice
2 cups green peas
2 tbsp fresh thyme leaves
4 tbsp lemon juice


  1. Cut ½ lb. of baby red potatoes in half. Toss in olive oil, salt and pepper. Roast on sheet pan at 350 degrees for 20 minutes.
  2. On top of stove in an iron skillet, toast 2 tbsp cumin seeds, 1 tsp black mustard seeds, and ¼ cup crushed pistachios or blanched almonds.
  3. Toss 1 lb. cleaned fresh green beans in olive oil, toasted seed-nut mixture, salt and pepper, ½ cup chopped red onion, and 2 tbsp fresh lemon juice. Add to pan with potatoes and toss well. Roast until tender, between 8 and 12 minutes.
  4. Toss 2 cups green peas (if frozen, defrost to room temp) with 2 tbsp fresh thyme leaves, 2 tbsp lemon juice, and ½ tbsp olive oil. Salt and pepper to taste. Add to pan and toss well. Roast for 5 minutes.
  5. When finished, add a little fresh lemon on top.

We gratefully acknowledge the wonderful author and chef Melissa Clark, who set us on this flavorful path! Please order her very helpful and delicious book: Dinner: Changing the Game: A Cookbook.

Story by Keith Recker / Photography and Styling by Erin Kelly / Recipes Inspired by Melissa Clark

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