
Giving Guide: Healthy Start

Healthy Start supports healthier pregnancies, safer births, and stronger families in Allegheny and Westmoreland counties.

Giving Guide: The Pittsburgh Zoo and PPG Aquarium

For 125 years, the Pittsburgh Zoo & PPG Aquarium has served as home to thousands of amazing animals and has welcomed community members of...

Giving Guide: The Children’s Institute

Following a mission to heal, to teach, to empower, and to amaze, The Children’s Institute’s passionate team serves over 6,000 amazing children each year. They help families to reach their full potential through educational services, autism services, outpatient physical and behavioral health services, early intervention, and child and family services.

Veggie Muffins

Hide a serving or two of veggies in a healthy muffin recipe! Toast them and eat them warm, or just pop one in coat...

Magical Zucchini Pasta Sauce

What makes this recipe magic? Shazaam: the complaints about vegetables will disappear when this dish hits the dinner table.

Art Has a Place in Cyber Education

At the Pittsburgh-South Side office, students created oil pastels while learning how to make seasonal artwork with color theory and the basics of shading and tinting.

Urban Farms Need Your Support

Sponsored Content Pittsburgh is home to amazing individuals who started urban farms and community gardens in black communities that are suffering from decades of food...

Forging Forward: Healthy Start

Neighborhood Legal Services helps to close equity gaps in our judiciary system

Pittsburgh Foundation: Critical Needs Alert 2022

Give on August 9 to #ONEDAY and help move our region forward